Friday, July 13, 2012

Summer Sale 7-13

Another day, another round of throwing my wallet at my computer and asking when it will ever be enough.


Space Marine - Got this a while back at $12.50, and it was a pretty good game, a 7ish. Took about 8 hours to beat the single player. Generally good times, but, and this is surprising, after a while endlessly hacking and slashing away at hordes of orks gets a little tiring.

PayDay - In the same vein as Left 4 Dead, but you're robbing banks, taking hostages, and fending of SWAT squads. Also, it's only $5.


The Binding of Isaac - Even though it's $1.24, if I knew more about this game, I would probably have passed on it during Christmas. It's a rogue like game, with rpg elements, randomly generated worlds and no second chances. Difficult if it's outside your niche, as was the case with me, so I haven't touched it since I got the necessary steam achievement for the holiday contest.


Anno 2070 - Something to keep in mind with this one, is that the DRM is pretty harsh. PC Gamer found out the hard way that 3 hardware changes, in their case, switching out graphics cards to see how it ran in different setups, locked them out of the game. Still, $24.99 if you want to risk it.
Max Payne 3 - At $29.99, you may want to hold of, because this game was just released, and it's already 50% off. Wonder what it will be down to come Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Tribes Ascend Starter Pack - $4.99
Sonic Generations - $10.19
From Dust - It's $3.74, which is half of what I paid last Christmas, and I haven't even gotten around to playing it yet. Just another reason I should follow my own advice and wait longer.
Indie Bundle II - Includes Botanicula, E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy, Oil Rush, Splice, and Universe Sandbox for $9.99, which comes out as a wash for me, since I already have some of the games. Botanicula and Splice could be promissing though, maybe I'll keep an eye out for them as a daily deal later.

Special Deals

Assassin's Creed Revelations - $13.59
Bejeweled 3 - $4.99
Lara Croft - $3.74
Toy Soldiers - $2.49

Half-Life 2 - The only reason you might want to consider skipping this, is if you're getting the Valve pack instead. Oh, and make sure to get episodes 1 and 2, so you can finally understand what the rest of us have been waiting for with episode 3.

In case you missed the last couple of choice deals, Trine 2 won over night, and then Ghost Recon 2 was up earlier today.

Also worth noting, yesterday's deals are still valid for a few more hours.


  1. Yeah, I definitely did not enjoy Binding of Isaac, which I had trade some other game I received as part of the holiday sale for. I've never had much experience with dungeon crawlers prior to it, but my lack of interest is probably more related to the incredible level of difficulty and how unforgiving the game is, rather than blaming the genre.

    From Dust has been on my "Play Soon" list for a while, though far behind others (currently its Amnesia when I can stand it, Osmos, World of Goo, Civ 5, and Alien Breed: Impact that I've been alternating through). After your comments, I might just hang off a little while longer before I give it a shot.

    I picked up Trine 1 back when in launched, and it is an incredible game, so there was zero hesitation in getting 2. Unfortunately it was only available for 8 hours that spanned mostly overnight (midnight to 8 am pacific), so many people might have missed it.

  2. I actually played both Osmos and World of Goo years ago when the came out, but never beat them. Got back into them after playing them a bit on my phone during a long road trip, thanks to the humble android bundle 1. Unfortunately, I'm back to the point where I got stuck last time, just 2-3 levels to go in each. Frustration eventually leads to trying something else for a while, so your brief spurts assessment is totally warranted.
