Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Steam Summer Sale 7-17-13

Oh, not the best day of the sale for me. I only have played a demo for 2,  own but haven't played another 3, and have heard a few things about 2 of the remaining 4. Yeah, but the best day for hands on experience.

Main Sale

Dead Island - I've seen the original in action, and have technically had this game in my inventory since the last sale, but I've never gone anywhere with it. The game seemed okay, but not great, which is kind of reflected in the low score it's got. Hybrid action RPG attempt at zombie killing, taking into account things like weapons crafting and durability. The important thing if you're considering this is how you go about buying it. That's because the original game is $4.99, the sequel is $19.99, but the franchise is $27.49. Yep, just saved your wallet $2.51. You're welcome.

Grand Theft Auto - I've only ever put 4 hours into the 4th game, but stopped due to a hard drive failure. Most people are familiar with the open world sandbox approach the GTA series takes to gaming, so you'll know what to expect. There's a lot of running around doing errands for people, taking girlfriends out on dates, finding hookers, etc. $4.99 for the base version of 4, but $7.49 for the Complete Edition. There is also the franchise pack to consider at $12.49, and the Rockstar pack at $44.98, but that is a rip compared to if you had bought the games at their current individual prices, let allow if you bought them all on sale, which would run you about $22.49 that way.

Tropico - I tried the demo last winter when it was on sale then, and I wasn't really interested in this city building/political game that much, but still find myself wanting to buy it just because. You'll be responsible for running your country, investing in housing, industry, resources, and keeping an ear to the ground about how people feel about your rulership. The base game is $5.99, but the complete version for 4 is $7.99. There is also Tropico Reloaded and Tropico 3 for your consideration.

Batman: Arkham (Insert game here) - Both Asylum and City are on sale today, for $4.99 and $7.49 specifically. City hasn't been lower than this price over the course of the last year, so there isn't much of a point in holding off. The games do seem pretty good, and are highly regarded. Plus I watched a buddy put some time into City this past weekend and decided I would make this one of the next games I play, so I say go for it so far.

Ace of Spades - This game comes up a lot, through I don't recall it hitting $2.49. I'm against it because its a multiplayer game. Sorry, I can't say more about it for you.

Deus Ex -  This was just a flash sale, but in case you missed it. HR is the lowest price I've ever seen it at $2.99, and you can get all the DLCs for $1.62. Do not go for the franchise pack because it's $19.99 since it's not benefiting from the 85% off that the other games are.

Dark Souls - Famous mostly for being difficult, apparently. Also a flash sale returning for a full day, at the lowest price I've seen it anywhere - $7.49. If you do get it you'll probably want to look into how people have gotten around some of the very poorly done aspects of this port, to make sure you have a good experience.

Fallen Enchantress - Another strategy game from the people that brought you Sins of a Solar Empire and Galactic Civilizations. It's $13.59, but unfortunately the 66% discount does not apply to the two DLCs.

Mount and Blade - This is one of those cult classic type games. I've been told I would like it because I liked War of the Roses. I did try the demo once, and it's an interesting game where you can build armies, fight battles, and so forth, but not something that I figured I'd really like, so I passed. I'd suggest giving the demo a whirl if you're curious. There are four different titles on sale, ranging from $2.49 individually to $4.99. You can get them in a pack for $8.74 though.

Evoland - Maybe more of an edutainment type game as it tells you the history of action adventure gaming. Something I certainly want to play someday, but just not for $4.99, because I've heard its only an hour and a half or so.

Flash Sales

RAGE - I don't recall if this is the first time it hit $4.99 or not. Still, the game is really not that good, as you'll see in my review, and I would actually recommend saving the money for something else. I am picking up the DLC anyways, just to see what it's all about, but don't plan on getting around to it for a bit.

Fez - Back after it's two day sale. Same $4.99 price. Or free if you're familiar with the author and want to hurt his bottom line.

Saints Row 3 - Also makes a comeback today. $4.99 for the base version or $7.49 for the full package.

Anno 2070 - So I heard they dropped that DRM that would lock you out if you made hardware changes, but I'm still passing. Base game is $14.99, while the complete edition is an extra $10.

Voters' Choice

Bastion - I've done both a written and video review for this on, and do highly recommend you get it. It's currently at an all time low of $2.24. I would also recommend you pick up the soundtrack.

And in case you missed it: Defiance ($13.59), Music Creator 6 ($16.99), Torchlight II ($4.99), Half-Life 2 ($2.49), and Surgeon Simulator 2013 ($3.66) were the deals overnight; Left 4 Dead 2 ($4.99), War of the Roses ($4.99), Lego Lord of the Rings ($7.49), Gunpoint ($5.99),  and The Walking Dead ($6.24) this afternoon.


I don't know about you, but I'm starting to lose faith in Steam sales. Not much really appealed to me today. If I didn't already have it, the clear winners would be the heavily discounted Deus Ex and Batman. Plus The Walking Dead and Torchlight II if you missed them at other points during the sale. Tropico and Dark Souls are the two games I'm considering, but I don't see a pressing need to play and review them before the next sale. Also disappointed that Gunpoint was only 40% off, though it is rather new. Still, that's a 2 hour game. Here's to hoping for a brighter tomorrow.


  1. Lots of good games... all of which I already have.

    Tropico always sounds interesting but something I never end up getting.

    Already have both Batman's, the Deus Ex stuffs (Great deal for DX:HR though), Anno 2070, Saints Row 3, Bastion, Torchlight 2, Walking Dead.

    And no, you're not the only one whose lost faith in Steam sales. The last several have been pretty meh compared to the competition.

    1. Tropico has especially been a game that I always want. I did finally play the demo for 4 here last year, and it was pretty obvious that that type of sim wasn't really the kind of game I'm into, yet I still have a strong desire to get it. I blame the new badges that reward game ownership, and I need more XP :-)

  2. XP is useless past level 10 IMO. The cards however are very useful to sell for monies to feed the Steam purchasing machine.
