Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Steam Holiday Sale 12-26

Hmm, nothing really new today, since I swear I've seen most of these come up on a flash sale or voter choice already. Still, some titles worth getting if you missed them the first time around.

Main Sale:

The Walking Dead - This is complete now, as the fifth episode came out not too long ago, and it's one that's been on my list for a while now. Today it's $12.49, which is it's normal sale price.

The Sims 3 - $10.19.

Legend of Grimrock - You won't find this one lower than today's $3.47, which is the same price it was during the Autumn sale. If you're interested in dungeon crawlers, get this.  If you're interested, you could also go the Humble Bundle route, as #7 has this game as a beat the average bonus (currently $6.41). Just, as always, don't abuse the system, keeping in mind it helps to support the devs that make the game's you enjoy playing, or, if you don't want to do that, give something to charity.

Natural Selection - I haven't tried this one yet, but I did very much enjoy the original. It's an RTS/FPS hybrid, where you take on either the role of the space marines or aliens. Resource points, buildables, upgrades, and other RTS features are all there, controlled by the commander for the space marines. Then you've got the individual players that must carry out the commander's goals, within the confines of an FPS. It really is a fun game, and I enjoyed the asymmetricalness of the various evolutions of the aliens versus the upgradeable nature of the marines. Today it's $9.99.

Spec Ops The Line - Two things: Buy this game right now, and don't buy it from Steam. Instead, go over to Amazon where you can get this game and both Bioshocks for less than Spec Ops is here (you also get $5 towards one of 20 something games in a promotional offer). Now why should you buy this game you ask? Well, I picked it up during the last flash sale (but off of Amazon), and just started playing it this morning. It looks like a generic puesdo realistic shooter, a la CoD, Battlefield, or any other game in that category. In certain ways it is, but in other's there are mechanics that make it stand out, such as the ability to flood enemies with sand by, say, shooting out the windows of the sand filled bus behind them, or the sand storms that plague the devastated Dubai. The controls feel a little off, and definitely consoley (one button is your sprint, cover, etc button, no jump, etc), but I am getting used to this Third Person Shooter. However, what really makes this game stand out is it's story, which plays off of the novel Heart of Darkness and the movie (which also plays off the novel) Apocalypse Now, as you and your two squad mates investigate the ruins of Dubai, only to find that the U.S. military unit you thought had perished is very much alive, and very much against anyone poking a nose in their business. In the hour or so I've already played, roughly one of of 6 the game has in store, I've experience beautiful moments in a "gaming as a comment on society" style that include this exchange:

Squad mate: We just killed American soldiers.
You: It was in self defense.
Squad mate:That doesn't make me feel any better.
You: It's not supposed to.

In short, the game is shaping up to be much better than the metacritic score would have you believe, as long as you're willing to accept your enemy as a person and not just generic terrorist 57203. If you want a little bit more, maybe check out a bit of a review on Penny Arcade and expect my own soon.

Arma II - Day Z. Need I say more? Oh, I guess maybe the price. $14.99.

Flash Sale
Galactic Civilizations - $6.24, or $2.49 and $4.99 separately
Retro City Rampage - $7.44
Darksiders - $13.59 for the franchise, invidiual things avialable for various prices
Thief - $6.74 for the collection, individually $2.49 each
Borderlands 2 - 50% off 2, 75% off 1. None of 2's DLCs are discounted.
Home - $1.01

Community Choice
Tropico 4 - $5.99

Okay, back to Spec Ops! And then maybe I'll finish the last two levels of RUSE...and then maybe actually write a review again.

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