Sunday, December 29, 2013

Steam Winter Sale 12-29-13

This one, as well as the next few postings will be a bit brief, because I'll be doing this on a screen keyboard, and I really don't want to type out an essay like that. This will also be my excuse if I miss any flash/community choice deals.

First, mandatory advisory note: You should of course check out Amazon, Green Man Gaming, Gamers Gate, and The Humble Store for some other deals as well to see if something you really want is on discount there.

Main Sale

Fallout New Vegas - $2.49 or $6.79 for the ultimate edition. You should probnably go for the later. It's supposed to be pretty good, but I haven't played it yet, despite owning it for some time.

Risk of Rain - The game looks strange, though somewhat like Spelunky, in that it's a one life, then the level is redone type game. Roguelike in that way I think. $6.69.

Mass Effect - I played the first game and thought it was okay. Pretty typical bioware morality stuff. Haven't tried the second one yet. Best option is $9.99 for the series, and I would recommend it at that price.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 - $6.24

Deadlight - Reviewed! The game wasn't great at all, and even at $2.99, I'd probably say avoid it, though that is one of the lower prices I've see for it, outside of a 5 game Amazon bundle for $10, which I believe you can get right now.

Spelunky - Again, a pretty fun looking roguelike game. I'll be getting this in a trade deal today.

HeroesVI - $7.49.

The Swapper - It is critcally aclaimed, but that doesn't mean too much to me these days (Deadlight was too) It's $5.09.

Total War Rome II - Previously on sale. $29.97 for this game.

Flash Sales

Trine - Reviewed! Recommended this at the same $2.49 for the franchise before. A must buy.

Prototype - Really enjoyed the first open world sandbox RPG game. Haven't tried the second one yet, but the first one is a fair buy at $4.99. The second is $9.99.

Sniper 2 Ghost Warrior - Tried the demo of this before, and while pretty, the game was very lame and lackluster. Would recommend you try the demo before spending $7.49.

Assetto Corsa - $29.99

Earlier you'd find Gas Guzzlers Extreme for $8.49, Far Cry 3 for $7.49, Spec Ops The Line for $7.49, State of Decay for $9.99, Long Live the Queen for $4.99, Beatbuddy for $1.40, Starpoint Gemini 2 for $16.09, and Alice Madness Returns for $4.99.

Community's Choice

Pixel Junk Eden  - No idea, but it's $0.99.

Previously it was Injustice for $24.99 and Titan Quest for $2.99.


Yep, that's brief for me. Really I just recommend Trine, avoiding Deadlight, and maybe risking it on some of the other games. Prototype is a fair buy as well, while Sniper 2 should probably be avoided. I'll be back (briefly) tomorrow, I hope.

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