Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Steam Autumn Sale 11-27-13

Hello hello! Welcome to another round of seasonal Steam sales. Once again I will be cover the sales, commenting on the days games that I have experience with (and pointing out reviews when appropriate), as well as suggesting if the deal is a particularly good deal or not, especially when compared to some of the competition, which might have their own sales going on. On that note, it is worth pointing out that the Humble Store has already launched a sale, and Green Man Gaming will start up its sale on Thursday. Amazon is also an interesting retailer to check out, given their penchant for special bundles, such as the current Bioshock bundle, which combines Bioshock 1, 2, and Infinite for the low price of $15. Is that a good deal? Sure, but is it the best deal you can get with your hard earned cash? Well, that's where I (sometimes) come in.

But enough on that background, let's move onto the actual sale in question, sale we? First up, the sale structure. The autumn sale has always been the theoretical middle child of Steam sales, falling between the mid year Summer sale and overshadowed by the much larger and just around the corner Winter sale. You'll notice that in how many games are on sale. This one is a bit simpler, opting for 9 main sale games, as well as a rotating group of 4 games on a Flash sale basis similar to what we've seen before. I'll try to keep track of those flash sales so you can be aware of what has already gone around, as those sometimes make it into the main sale, but be careful, without any voter's choice this sale, it might be once you miss a game, you won't see it again until next month. I would also expect to see an under development title or a piece of non game software pop up at least once a day.

Onto the games!

Main Sale

Skyrim - Two years old and the game has finally come down to a reasonable price at $7.49. However, what you really want to do is get the Legendary Edition, which is the complete pack, at $20.39. That's because it'll cost you that much just to buy two of the three DLCs for the base game separately.

Antichamber - I've had this one for a while, but have yet to play it myself. It does seem like a great spatial puzzle game, somewhat like Portal on steroids. Today's price of $4.99 is the lowest I can recall it ever being on Steam.

Left 4 Dead - The four person co-op or two teams of four versus zombie survival game is one of the constants during Steam sales (add to that HL2, Portal, and CS). Frankly, while I put 115 hours into the original, largely due to the greatness that is multiplayer versus when you have a group of 8 friends to play with, I hardly touched the sequel, with only 15 hours there. The best way to go about getting the franchise would be to pay $7.49 for both games, though each can be purchased for $4.99 on its own. If you miss out on this one, don't worry, it'll be the same price again in pretty much every sale until the end of days.

Outlast - A survival horror game that I haven't gotten to because I'm okay with not being scared (plus I have Amnesia for that). Having only released back in September, that game has hit an all time low price at $6.79. Perhaps worth checking out, though I'll pass for now and hope Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs is around the same price.

Terraria - Reviewed! A great open world sandbox RPG Indie Platformer. It's a fun game that can be played solo or with friends in online multiplayer, with a range of difficulties from drop all your money on death to permanently deleting your character when you die. Craft yourself everything from copper swords to three pronged grappling hooks that help you navigate the depths of the world, including hell. This game is commonly on sale, by not always for $2.49, which is the lowest price it ever seems to hit. I would recommend you buy this game if you're at all interested after reading my review.

Rogue Legacy - I've never been a fan of roguelike games, of which, this is a recent addition, coming out back in June. Here at least there is a clear cut winner in terms of sale price, as Steam edges out Humble Store by a few bucks, as Steam has it pegged at $5.09.

The Walking Dead - Reviewed! The narrative powerhouse is back down at the lowest I've ever seen it, and this time the 500 Days DLC is also on sale, albeit at 50% off instead of the 75% of the main game. Amazon does have 500 Days for 75% off though, if you want to split your purchase. It is certainly worth picking up the original at the $6.24 being asked today, and I would highly recommend this game to anyone even remotely considering it.

Sleeping Dogs - Reviewed, and recently! I got this game during the Summer sale, and now the price is even lower at $4.99. While the game does have some problems, such as aspects of its open world collection side missions or the melee combat or the controls, I still recommend this game, giving it an 8 out of 10. I'm still passing on the DLC, because much of the content seems pointless, but I do suggest you give the game a try (there is a demo), and see if you like the idea of taking an enemy and smashing him into a fuse box for an instant kill.

Prison Architect - Ah, the unknown.While games like this and Kerbal Space Program both seem like they have a ton of potential, the fact that this game is still in development gives me enough pause to avoid purchasing it for now. Comes in a variety of tiers, from the standard game at $14.99, all the way up to getting your name in the game for $24.99. Hopefully the game delivers in the end, and if some of their other titles can be used as a judge, they should, but I for one won't be risking my hard earned cash.

Flash Sales

Hammer Watch - While it's still on sale, it's $3.39.

Castle Story - Another early access game, which is $13.39 right now.

Crysis 2 - It's $7.49, which I am pretty sure is its lowest price. Previously it's been around $10.

Space Hulk - Just $10.19, which is about the same as the GamersGate price from yesterday, I believe. Still, funny how that happens.

Alright, that's it for right now. Like I said, I'll attempt to keep track of the flash sales that happen between my updates, as a way to sort of track the price of games over time. Also, with a nice long weekend, I'll see if I can squeeze a few more reviews in there (Batman:Arkham Asylum, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Poker Night 2, and Primordia are all on my list at the moment). In the mean time, pass word of this site around, since I hope you'll find it helpful, and as always, make sure you get the best deal you can.

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